England win match to face Spain in Euro 2024 final in Berlin, German court strengthens landlords’ right to withhold deposits for damages, FDP campaigns for an end to the 8-hour working day and more news from around Germany.
A large sample of European drinking water has detected a substance linked to “forever chemicals” used in pesticides and refrigeration, a coalition of non-governmental organisations said Wednesday.
From where to stay, what to do and how to travel, Berlin-based journalist and mom Rachel Stern lays out some tested tips on going on a family holiday in and around Germany.
Nearly 300 state-run daycare centres in Berlin that look after around 35,000 children are affected by a five-day strike this week.
Foreign residents in almost any major German city can expect long wait times for appointments to secure residency permits at their local immigration offices. But in Nuremberg the process is exceptionally fraught.
Germany’s coalition government is hoping to encourage skilled workers to move to Germany with hefty tax incentives – but the proposals have been met with sharp criticism – even from within the government.
Storms forecast in Germany after extreme heat, Nuremberg to get direct connection to Munich airport, Spain makes it to Euro final in Berlin and more news from around Germany on Wednesday.
Eight cities in Germany were ranked among the 100 most expensive cities in the world this year, with Berlin beating Munich into the top spot.
A perfect storm of Euro 2024 finals and several states starting the school holidays could make this a tough weekend for motorists in Germany. Here’s where the roads could get busiest.
A price increase for the ‘Deutschlandticket’ looks more and more certain for 2025. How much might the ticket price be raised?